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  • Visual Four Agreements

    August 27th, 2009 by Kaizad Irani

    Kaizad Irani - Four Agreements iMap

    Based on the popular book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, this is an Idea Map that summarizes the book in a visual Idea Mapping format.

    This book had helped millions of people chalk a path way for their lives.

    Although the book is in an easy to read format this amazing technique of Idea Mapping presents Don Miguel Ruiz’s work in an appealing visual manner.

    Posted in book summary, Certified Idea Mapping Instructor, idea mapping examples, Idea Mapping Workshops, Interactive Seminars, Landscape Design Workshops, mind mapping examples, visual thinking examples, Visual Thinking Workshops | tagged , , , , , | | 1 Comments

    Welcome to Idea Innovator

    September 16th, 2008 by Kaizad Irani

    I am looking forward to interacting and hearing from you all out there.

    Posted in Certified Idea Mapping Instructor, Idea Mapping Workshops, Interactive Seminars, Landscape Design Workshops, Visual Thinking Workshops | tagged , , , , | | 1 Comments

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